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Era – a daring new upholstery fabric

Era – a daring new upholstery fabric

Era is a new upholstery fabric created as a result of exciting and unexpected meetings of both colour and structure. The fabric is inspired by nature’s own patterns.

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Kiri - with a sense of poetry and mystery

Kiri - with a sense of poetry and mystery

As its own work of art. The new curtain Kiri got its name from the Japanese word for ‘fog’. And just like nature, the fabric’s expression changes with the light.

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Aki – a curtain with a modern feel

Aki – a curtain with a modern feel

With expressive brushstrokes, a lovely dynamism is created. Svensson’s new curtain Aki is printed on a transparent fabric with a sheer feel and has an expressive design that gives it character.

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Ink in the Volvo Estate concept car

Ink in the Volvo Estate concept car

"Volvo uses carefully selected Swedish design in its Volvo Estate concept car to emphasise that it is a Swedish car. We are of course absolutely delighted that their design team chose to work with us," says Eva Larsson, a designer in Ludvig Svensson's design department.

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