Brekke & Strand specify soundproofing-classified textiles from Svensson
Noise reduction was not the only factor when Brekke & Strand Akustik were looking to improve the acoustic environment in their conference rooms. They were also seeking a flexible solution that would be suitable for both physical and digital meetings. Hanging textiles from Svensson proved capable of meeting multiple demands.
Brekke & Strand Akustik in Gothenburg is situated just east of the dense traffic of route E6, but there’s no trace of traffic noise in the conference room. After several years working in this location, the company gradually saw an ever increasing need for flexible workplaces and meeting rooms. These new social spaces, where people interact both physically and digitally, called for a better acoustic environment. But there was also a need for screening to reduce reflection from and into the office landscape.
- One major advantage with hanging textiles is flexibility. If necessary, textiles can be used to screen off the large glass partitions of conference rooms, for example. This lets those working in the office landscape maintain focus without being disturbed by an ongoing meeting, says Marius Castberg Bråthen, department manager in Gothenburg and senior acoustics consultant.
Svensson's soundproofing-classified textiles Tune, Grain and Well were used for the project. These specific textiles were selected because in addition to their soundproofing functions, they also added a much-appreciated decorative element.
- The textiles provide an attractive visual impression whilst at the same time enhancing the overall acoustic environment. In our conference rooms, we can use a lot of fabric, which aids the acoustics, but we can also divide the fabric and ultimately control how much light we want to let in, says Bråthen. Reducing noise and helping the staff working in the office to focus was, of course, the primary objective, but those working remotely were also able to benefit from the improved acoustic comfort.
- The acoustic environment not only becomes more comfortable for those of us physically present in the room, but sound actually comes across clearer for remote participants in a video meeting, says Bråthen.
Object | Brekke & Strand Akustik |
Location | Gothenburg, Sweden |
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