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Knitted curtain with a distinct finish and undulating net structure which emerges as you approach. The lightweight fabric provides a beautiful play of light while allowing you to maintain contact with everything around you. The curtains are available in 15 different colours, some strong but not so powerful that they take over. Rather, the sheer quality shifts like a veil against other surfaces, its playful. natural tone flowing through the space. Despite this shifting character, Sway retains its shape over time. Based on a classic technique, the fabric nevertheless has a modern appearance. The letter W may be found both in the name and woven into the fabric’s structure. Bearing in mind that Sway means both to undulate and to persuade, the very name also says something of the textile’s properties.



Design by
Flame retardancy
Flame retardant according to:
- BS 5867: Part 2, Type B
- DIN 4102-1 class B1
- IMO FTP Code Part 7
- NF P 92-503-507, M
- EN 13773 class 1
- EN 13501-1, B-s1, d0
- NFPA 701
- UNI 8456/8457
- SN 198898
Color fastness
Against light according to EN ISO 105-B02
≥ 5-7 (Scale 1-8)
Against washing according to EN ISO 105-C06
≥ 5 (Scale 1-5)
2 %
300 cm
60 g/m²
Trevira CS
100 %
Care instructions