Oeko-Tex has updated its brand
After more than 30 years on the market, Oeko-Tex has now updated its brand and graphic profile.
As a textile company, Svensson needs to take responsibility towards both the environment and the end user. For that reason, our textiles are certified with the Oeko-Tex environmental label, which is a globally recognized standard.
After more than 30 years on the market, Oeko-Tex has now updated its brand and graphic profile. The most visible change is the new symbol in the form of a green drop, but just like before, the label is a guarantee that the textile is completely free of harmful chemicals.
The change means that the old logo will be replaced continuously on Svensson's own website and on our textiles. Since the change will take place gradually, both versions of the logo may appear for a period.

Sustainability by Svensson
På Svensson tror vi på att ta ansvar för vår miljö och vårt samhälle, eftersom vi producerat textil på samma ställe i Kinna i över 130 år.

Smarta textilier - textil i tiden
I framtiden kommer textilier spela en allt viktigare roll mot en hållbar utveckling.

How we quality assure our products
Our in-house lab continuously works to quality test our products. This is also where we develop new shades of dye and handle other quality-related issues.