Fire safety testing
The only tests which we do not conduct in our in-house lab are those for fire safety. Although we carry out indicative fire testing during product development, we send off all our products for a range fire safety tests by external accredited institutes. Our textiles are always tested for the most common fire certificates on the market. Having fire safety testing carried out on all of our products by a certified lab is an element which is crucial to us and the safety of our customers. Each product receives its own fire safety certificate to show that it meets the tough and important demands which apply the market today.
The following fire safety tests are carried out on all our fabrics:
Trevira - hanging:
DIN 4102
EN 13773
NF P 92-503-507
IMO FTP Code 2010: Part 7
BS 5867-2 Type B
Trevira CS - upholstery:
EN 1021-1&2
DIN 4102-1, B1
IMO FTP Code 2010: Part 8
BS 5852, Crib 5
NF P 92 503-507, M1
Wool - upholstery:
EN 1021-1&2
BS 5852 Crib 5
IMO FTP Code 2010: Part 8