Connected Screening
Connecting knowledge that provides better quality and higher energy savings
Hoogendoorn in cooperation with Svensson launch "Connected Screening" - a software module connecting the advanced features of the Hoogendoorn iSii process computer with a selected range of Svensson climate screens. The solution will give the grower access to new climate data regarding humidity transfer, light transmission and energy savings. Properly used the access to increased climate knowledge will result in healthier crops and higher yields with less energy input.
The "Connected Screening" module connects Svensson climate screens with the software of the Hoogendoorn iSii process computer giving the grower full insight into humidity transfer, light transmission and energy savings values. Climate screens specifically suitable for the Next Generation Growing (NGG) are included in the software. This innovative cooperation will provide growers with deeper knowledge about their greenhouse climate. The result will be healthier crops and higher yields with less energy input.

The Connected Screening software calculates values for ventilation, humidity transfer, energy savings, light transmission, and outgoing longwave radiation based on the Svensson screen characteristics and the actual position of the screens. With these accurate data, growers can achieve more screening hours without risking high humidity levels below fully closed screens. Using this knowledge the greenhouse climate can be managed to be more homogeneous, resulting in higher crop yields and up to 20% more energy savings! Data is presented at a glance via a custom-made visualization.
Connected screening gives possibilities for the grower
Field research within the NGG shows that the highest crop yields are achieved under double energy screens and completely closed screens (without gaps). However, in practice, this is often hard to realize due to a mismatch of screen characteristics or inefficient use of climate control. This leads to an unstable greenhouse climate. The consequence is an increase in pests and diseases that negatively affects crop quality and yields. The "Connected Screening" module gives the grower the possibility to manage this.
Connected Screening was launched on June 14-16 2016 at GreenTech in Amsterdam RAI.
Tips of how to control humidity with screens

GreenTech Innovation Award 2016
Connected Screening is nominated for the GreenTech Innovation Award
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