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greentech award

And the winner is...Connected Screening by Svensson & Hoogendoorn

We are proud to announce that “Connected Screening” has been selected as the winner of the GreenTech Online Community Award 2016!


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danish grower new harmony

Improved diffused light with new Harmony

When replacing the existing climate screens, it was an easy choice for Danish Klostergaarden to go for the new Harmony screen. As experienced Harmony user, the grower is looking forward to...


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More light with H2no

H2no technology prevents droplet formation and natural light reaches your crops without being obstructed. This can increase light transmittance by up to 9%.


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Connected screen

Connecting knowledge that provides the grower a better quality and higher energy savings

Hoogendoorn in cooperation with Svensson launch "Connected Screening" - a software module connecting the advanced features of the Hoogendoorn iSii process computer with a selected range of Svensson climate screens.


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BL trial
Trade Articles

Which Shading Is The Winner in Florida Trials?

Diffused light results in more active leaves and better usage of light. When it comes to shading, which type performs best in greenhouses? 


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climate solution? 
